Bethesda Builders Ltd. is an exceptional homebuilder. We make that claim because everything we do is custom. Our speculative homes are all custom, no two are the same design. Each home is individually designed to fit the lot and the character of the neighboring homes. We size and scale our homes to fit in, thus our new homes look as though they have always been there.
We are always trying to build more efficiently. Whether the home is stick built, panelized or modular – we strive to match the best and most efficient methods, procedures and materials. Therefore, our clients end up with a truly valuable piece of real estate in which to enjoy a family. We want your home to be a pleasure to come home to each day.
Selecting a Builder
Home building is an extremely personal service. When you select a builder, you bring that company into your family’s life for the duration of the project. Be sure that you evaluate the qualifications and personality of your builder with as much attention as you pay to the price of the proposal. Bethesda Builders Ltd. has assembled a highly personable team of professional crafts persons who strive to make the building process enjoyable, while respecting the fact that we are guests in your home.
In 2014, Bethesda Builders won a Silver – Custom Builders Award of Excellence. The award was presented to Bethesda Builders Ltd. by the the Maryland-National Capital Building Industry. The home was designed by GTM Atchitects, Bethesda, Maryland.
And in 2006, the home featured won a Gold – Custom Builders Award of Excellence. The award was presented to Bethesda Builders Ltd. and Studio Z by the Maryland-National Capital Building Industry. The home was designed by Studio Z, a custom residential architectural firm located in Bethesda, Maryland.